Stanley Cup® Reveal
Here's how it works:
- 1 jocuri slots eligibile din Casino and stake $10 on any of the eligible slots for each mission until 23:59 GMT (19:59 ET) on 23rd April 2024.
- 2 Collect 10 Spins and a Playoffs team for each mission you complete.
- 3 Receive 20 Spins each time one of your teams advances to the next round.
- 4 Plus, win a share of $20,000 cash if one of your teams lifts the Stanley Cup®!
See Significant Offer Terms and Conditions below.
Significant Terms and Conditions
- The qualifying period runs from 00:00 GMT on 19th April until 23:59 GMT on 23rd April 2024.
- You must opt in to take part in this promotion.
- Stake $10 on the eligible slots to complete each mission and receive a 2024 Stanley Cup® Playoffs ("Playoffs") team from the corresponding section of the bracket, and ten (10) Spins. You can see the bracket and teams via the ‘See Playoffs’ icon at the top of this page. You can receive up to four (4) Playoffs teams and up to forty (40) Spins by completing the $10 staking requirement for each mission.
- Teams will be randomly allocated from the corresponding section of the bracket for which you have staked on the eligible slots, and cannot be changed once allocated.
- You will receive twenty (20) Spins each time one (1) of your Playoffs teams advances to the next round. You will also receive an equal share of $20,000 cash if one (1) of your teams wins the 2024 Stanley Cup® Final.
- If none of your teams advances in the Playoffs, you will receive a consolation prize of five (5) Spins for each team.
- Spins will be credited to your account within seventy-two (72) hours of mission completion or from when your team advances in the Playoffs. Spins must be accepted within seven (7) days of being credited to your account. To accept, you must log in to your Casino account, open any eligible slot and select “Accept”. Any unused Spins will be removed along with any winnings accrued within seven (7) days of claiming.
- Cash prizes will be credited within seventy-two (72) hours of the end of the last game of the 2024 Stanley Cup® Final. Cash prizes must be accepted within seven (7) days. To accept you must log in to your Casino account and select “Accept” from the pop-up message or My Offers section.
- Spins can be used on the following eligible slots: Age of the Gods: Epic Troy, Age of the Gods: God of Storms, Age of the Gods: Maze Keeper, Age of the Gods: Wonder Warriors, Buffalo Blitz II, Buffalo Blitz Mega Merge, Buffalo Blitz Megaways, Fire Blaze Golden: Amazing Factory, Fire Blaze: Red Wizard, Fire Blaze: Sky Queen Megaways, Fire Blaze: Tundra Wolf, Golden Macaque, Leprechaun's Luck: Cash Collect, Mega Fire Blaze: Legacy of the Tiger, Mega Fire Blaze: Wild Pistolero, Panda Blitz, Pyramid Linx, Sahara Riches: Cash Collect, Silver Bullet Bandit: Cash Collect and Sky Queen.
- This offer is only available to new and eligible customers.
Full Offer Terms and Conditions
- The qualifying period runs from 00:00 GMT on 19th April until 23:59 GMT on 23rd April 2024.
- Each mission corresponds to the relevant section of the Playoffs bracket and can be completed separately.
- This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. You can see a full list of your available offers by logging in and selecting the Offers section. bet365 maintains a record of customer contact in relation to eligibility for offers and this record, including the date and time of any restrictions being imposed, will be final in the event of any dispute.
- Mission details are shown in the table below. Stake $10 on the eligible slots to complete each mission and receive a Playoffs team from the corresponding section of the bracket, and the prize shown. You can see the bracket and teams via the ‘See Playoffs’ icon at the top of this page.
Teams will be randomly allocated from the corresponding section of the bracket for which you have staked on the eligible slots, and cannot be changed once allocated. You can receive up to four (4) Playoffs teams, one (1) for each section of the bracket, and up to forty (40) Spins by completing the $10 staking requirement for each mission.ConferenceMissionPrizeEligible SlotsWestern Q1One10 SpinsAge of the Gods: Wonder WarriorsFire Blaze: Tundra WolfPyramid LinxSilver Bullet Bandit: Cash CollectSky QueenWestern Q2Two10 SpinsAge of the Gods: Epic TroyBuffalo Blitz MegawaysFire Blaze Golden: Amazing FactoryMega Fire Blaze: Wild PistoleroSahara Riches: Cash CollectEastern Q1Three10 SpinsAge of the Gods: Maze KeeperBuffalo Blitz IIFire Blaze: Red WizardMega Fire Blaze: Legacy of the TigerPanda BlitzEastern Q2Four10 SpinsAge of the Gods: God of StormsBuffalo Blitz Mega MergeGolden MacaqueFire Blaze: Sky Queen MegawaysLeprechaun's Luck: Cash Collect
- Spins will be credited within seventy-two (72) hours of mission completion or from when your team advances in the Playoffs. Spins must be accepted within seven (7) days. To accept you must log in to your Casino account, open any eligible slot and select “Accept”.
- Spins can be used on the following eligible slots: Age of the Gods: Epic Troy, Age of the Gods: God of Storms, Age of the Gods: Maze Keeper, Age of the Gods: Wonder Warriors, Buffalo Blitz II, Buffalo Blitz Mega Merge, Buffalo Blitz Megaways, Fire Blaze Golden: Amazing Factory, Fire Blaze: Red Wizard, Fire Blaze: Sky Queen Megaways, Fire Blaze: Tundra Wolf, Golden Macaque, Leprechaun's Luck: Cash Collect, Mega Fire Blaze: Legacy of the Tiger, Mega Fire Blaze: Wild Pistolero, Panda Blitz, Pyramid Linx, Sahara Riches: Cash Collect, Silver Bullet Bandit: Cash Collect and Sky Queen.
- Any unused Spins will be removed along with any winnings accrued within seven (7) days of claiming. There is no wagering requirement attached to the Spins themselves. Once they have all been played, any winnings accrued from play on Spins can be withdrawn at your discretion.
- Cash prizes will be credited within seventy-two (72) hours of the end of the last game of the 2024 Stanley Cup® Final. Cash prizes must be accepted within seven (7) days. To accept you must log in to your Casino account and select “Accept” from the pop-up message or My Offers section.
General Information
- Trebuie sa cititi acesti termeni si conditii impreuna cu termenii si conditiile noastre generale.
- Selected featured games will only be visible to customers who are logged in and verified. Not all games are guaranteed to be available, on all platforms or web browsers, during the promotional period.
- The maximum value of each Spin is $0.40 depending on the game played.
- In cazul in care oricare termen din aceasta oferta a fost incalcat sau exista dovezi ale unei serii de pariuri plasate de un client sau un grup de clienti care, datorita unui bonus depozit, unei plati suplimentare sau oricarei alte oferte promotionale, au ca rezultat un profit garantat pentru client, indiferent de rezultat, fie individual sau ca parte a unui grup, bet365 poate recupera partea bonus sau plata suplimentara dintr-o astfel de oferta, poate anula orice pariu plasat din oferta si/sau poate anula orice castiguri dintr-un astfel de pariu. In plus, daca exista dovezi depre o astfel de activitate, bet365 impune clientului o taxa administrativa de pana la valoarea bonusului sau a platii suplimentare, pentru costurile administrative suportate pentru identificarea activitatii sau masurile luate impotriva acesteia.
- bet365 may reclaim any Spins which have been awarded in error.
- All customer offers are limited to one (1) per person. If bet365 has reasonable grounds to suspect that the bonus or offer is being claimed by or for the benefit of the same person more than once or by a group of people then it may withdraw the availability of any offer or all offers to that customer or group of customers and/or void any wager funded by the bonus and remove any winnings from such wager.
- bet365 poate face modificari minore la aceasta promotie in orice moment, pentru a corecta greseli de ortografie sau pentru a imbunatati claritatea sau experienta clientilor si poate anula sau restrictiona aceasta promotie din motive legale, de reglementare sau tehnice.
- Cu scopul de a combate activitatea frauduloasa, bet365 a introdus metode de detectare si prevenire a abuzului referitor la aceasta oferta. bet365 poate solicita oricarui client sa furnizeze documentele necesare si/sau elemente de verificare in scopul acestei oferte, in mod rezonabil, pentru a ne asigura asupra identitatii clientilor, inainte de a credita contul cu orice oferta, fonduri bonus si/sau castiguri.
- Employees, officers and directors of bet365, its promotional or other agencies, licensees and licensors, service providers and any other associated or affiliated companies shall not be eligible for the promotion. The same terms shall apply to the direct families of such persons.
- Employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives of bet365, the National Hockey League (“NHL”), its member teams, NHL Enterprises, L.P., NHL Enterprises Canada, L.P., NHL Enterprises B.V., NHL Interactive CyberEnterprises, LLC (the foregoing NHL entities collectively, the “NHL Entities”), their respective promotional or other agencies, licensees and licensors, service providers and any other associated or affiliated companies shall not be eligible for the promotion. The same terms shall apply to the direct families of such persons.
- The NHL Entities are not sponsors of this promotion.
Termenii si conditiile complete ale ofertei